Thursday, July 26, 2012

Super long week, so, how about a WMHM follow up.

The long week is going to make for a short post.

WMHM gets better and better, every year. This year was no exception, except it kicked my butt. I am still lacking sleep. haha. Getting up for the Grand Am races, tomorrow, doesn't help that, either. Friday was a super long day, I worked 5 hours, and the drive took almost the same amount of time due to a traffic jam. I wanted to run the Test and Tune, so I hustled to run two sessions. I was out of it and the track was lacking grip. Needless to say, I had two four wheel offs, one of which ended up stuck in the sand trap. Not the best way to "start the weekend".

Saturday started off rough, as well, since I woke up at 430am with a stuffed up nose. Of course, I couldn't fall back asleep, compounding the "great start to the weekend". The day starts off busy with instructing a couple different groups, plus driving. I was kind of blah, all day, so I took a few people out for rides. After the track went cold, they always have a dinner. Always good food and there are some amazing cookies, too. haha. Then, there was the raffle and I finally won something!! We also went to Sherman's Dairy Bar, bad idea, too much dairy for me.

Saturday session

Sunday didn't start of much better, but it didn't start of as busy. I didn't feel that well, when I got there, so Mike went out with my student for the first session. That little break helped, I was almost up to par after noon. Sunday, I also pushed it a bit more, but still kept it notched down a bit. I ran 3 of the 4 sessions on Sunday to give me time to cool down and get out at a decent time. South Haven was emptying out, apparently. 196 was packed, so it always makes it funny to see people's reactions to the car. I made it home at a decent time, but I was still too pumped up from the weekend to go to bed. haha.

Sunday session.

The weekend turned out to be great, even with all the silly stuff that happened during it. My driving was eh, but my student did a great job of learning and applying it. I can't wait for next year, actually, I wish WMHM was every other weekend. lol.

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