The long week is going to make for a short post.
WMHM gets better and better, every year. This year was no exception, except it kicked my butt. I am still lacking sleep. haha. Getting up for the Grand Am races, tomorrow, doesn't help that, either. Friday was a super long day, I worked 5 hours, and the drive took almost the same amount of time due to a traffic jam. I wanted to run the Test and Tune, so I hustled to run two sessions. I was out of it and the track was lacking grip. Needless to say, I had two four wheel offs, one of which ended up stuck in the sand trap. Not the best way to "start the weekend".

Saturday started off rough, as well, since I woke up at 430am with a stuffed up nose. Of course, I couldn't fall back asleep, compounding the "great start to the weekend". The day starts off busy with instructing a couple different groups, plus driving. I was kind of blah, all day, so I took a few people out for rides. After the track went cold, they always have a dinner. Always good food and there are some amazing cookies, too. haha. Then, there was the raffle and I finally won something!! We also went to Sherman's Dairy Bar, bad idea, too much dairy for me.
Saturday session
Sunday didn't start of much better, but it didn't start of as busy. I didn't feel that well, when I got there, so Mike went out with my student for the first session. That little break helped, I was almost up to par after noon. Sunday, I also pushed it a bit more, but still kept it notched down a bit. I ran 3 of the 4 sessions on Sunday to give me time to cool down and get out at a decent time. South Haven was emptying out, apparently. 196 was packed, so it always makes it funny to see people's reactions to the car. I made it home at a decent time, but I was still too pumped up from the weekend to go to bed. haha.
Sunday session.
The weekend turned out to be great, even with all the silly stuff that happened during it. My driving was eh, but my student did a great job of learning and applying it. I can't wait for next year, actually, I wish WMHM was every other weekend. lol.
I am super tired, so I am going to make this quick with a video link and a picture.
Helmet cam with an off.
More to come..
Check out for all your info.
I am pretty pumped. This was the first event for me, back in 2009. It is hard to believe that it has been only three years. It seems as if it has been a lot longer. This event is my "can't miss" event and I will always do my best to make it.
Anyways, if you are in the area, come and check it out. It is only getting bigger and bigger by the year. It once again sold out in record time. Wait List is longer than Lindsay Lohan's stay in rehab. WMHM is a great place to meet new friends aka track buddies. Hard to believe that I still talk to my first instructor almost every day. And, to only think, at first, I thought that he was a jerk. haha.
Boy, oh boy, was it HOT!!
I had a good weekend, out at the track. It has been hot and stayed that way over the weekend. Mid Ohio and Central Indiana Regions joined forces to put on this event at Putnam. I ran with MORPCA, last year, and they are a "can't miss" type of group.
The way they do the Advanced run group is pretty neat. They only put about 10 or so cars in the group, so that the Instructors can run with us if their group is "packed". It works out great, normally there isn't much traffic, but if there is, it is all "clean".
They also get started early, so I got up at 4:50 on Saturday to get there for Registration and Tech. Time for the driver's meeting, straight forward, like most always. It is fun to sit back and watch some of the "beginners", they want to take pictures of who is doing the meeting, etc. Then, time for our A group meeting. Basically, the meeting is to assure that everyone is fine with the "open" passing.
Finally, time to hit the track. First sessions are either hit or miss for me. If it is "on", it is the start of a good day. If it is not, well, Saturday is a work in progress and it normally takes until Sunday to get the "ball rolling". Luckily, even with the heat, Saturday got off to a good start. It kept getting hotter and hotter. I had planned to only run my first 3 sessions and get home to conserve for Sunday. Well, it all went to plan until the guy next to me in the paddock, Lee, got to talking.
Lee is an older gentleman and he tracks a Z06. I always enjoy the "older" crowd at the track because they are the ones with the great stories. But, to cut a long story short, he raced SCCA thirty years ago. He ran almost every class as he and his cars evolved. When he ran Formula Atlantic, which he won regionals and divisional championship, but at a National level, he got to run with Paul Newman. How cool of a story is that??!!
Sunday came around and I thought I was getting off to a late start. I almost thought that I was going to miss the driver's meeting. I can't let that happen, so I "boogeyed" out there. Of course, I made it with plenty of time to spare. I got a chance to "shoot the breeze" with a few before the driver's meeting and even fill the air tank up.
The schedule for the day worked out, so that more of the Instructors were running with us. That made for more traffic and MIATAs!!! It is always fun to run with some other "slow" cars. I had GoPro issues, most of the weekend, so what is new. I stuck the suction on the windshield since the roof wasn't "working". Luckily, I picked the right session. There was a good amount of traffic and a fair share of passing. I will post the session link, below. After that session, I only went out to "check" a few things out in the next session. Then, I talked with a few others before I headed out.
As if I didn't espect the weekend to be great, it was better than I had expected. It is amazing how much you learn, every time out. Whether it is managing your tires or finding something out about a certain part of the track. That is what makes it so fun, the evolution of your skill set, even with the over bearing heat. lol. Anyways, onto a couple pictures and the "fun" session!
Brandy took this pic. Easily one of my favorites, EVER! It always helps to have a crew chief!
Here is a still shot that she took during "the chase".
Here is the in car from the "fun" session. The picture above is earlier in this video.
Well, a track weekend is approaching and it is hot, to say the least. I think it has been 100+ for over 6 days, now. Tomorrow will be no different with highs forecasted from 102-104. The track will be HOT, the grip will stink, and I will sweat my butt off. Pretty pumped since I am running with the Mid Ohio and Central Indiana PCA groups. I ran with Mid Ohio, last year, and they are a great group to run with. Until next time, stay cool, my friends.